Thursday, May 22


Things haven't changed much since the last post, we are moving again next monday and on tuesday I will have a job interview:D

Moving to a much better and more beautiful flat. No more these piss yellow walls:) that are surrounding me now but nice white walls, wide window sills, old wooden doors and floors without weird rusty patches in the middle. yay. Bit more space too for Pepper to poo and pee around. Actually he has found a refugee in his new poo box which he got few days ago, he now likes to hang around in there and our carpet is saved from more damage!

I actually got a job staring on 2nd of June but today I got invitation for another interview..for my dream job!! It is a position of a fundraising assistant in a Finnish non-profit organisation, one in which I really want to work at. I think I've never been prepared for a interview this well; reading books and articles, going through my old uni work and thesis, studying the whole web page of the organisation etc. haha, I better get this job:) Then it would be only the embarassing, oooops I got another, better job,I am not taking the one I already promised to tueasday morning all the fingers and toes crossed I guess. I just want and need this job and getting it would mean I would be immediately working in a job I really wanna do in the future.

This weekend I am heading back to Varkaus for some 12hours just to pick up some stuff for the new flat. Before that I'll be volunteering at a World Village Festival in Helsinki on Saturday morning. which means packing has to be done tomorrow...I dont really enjoy moving itself (who does?!) but I like the idea of a new flat a lot.

new chairs I made last week. They are very cool even I had some problems making them..


Anonymous said...

oooooh, love those chairs!!!! me want, so cool! and we don't need to cross any fingers or toes, you'll get the job by simply being the BEST!

universe-is-a-huge-place-and-I’m-just-starting. said...

loove the chairs. i cant believe we had the same idea, i guess we arent the first ones thou ha ha. i want to make kind of kitchen chairs ... oh well, ill call you when in finland and you tell me all ur tricks, please. im gonan leave my day job and make charis. ;)